
Love and YOU

I hate to say it, but many women will go through life without really knowing what true love is. It’s a bit sad to think that most people won’t see how amazing this is. This man shows how men should treat their partners every day. Unfortunately, many men today don’t know what it means to be a real man. Let me share some things about what a real man is like: - A real man asks you how your day was and really cares about your answer. - A real man respects your limits and never pushes you to do something you aren’t ready for. - He spends time with you and tries to learn who you are. - A real man puts in effort every day to show he cares. - He calls you just to check on how you’re feeling. - A real man is committed to you and finds new ways to love you every day. - He makes it his priority to protect your heart. - A real man doesn’t make big choices based on his temporary feelings. - He is clear about where you stand in his life. - A real man says sorry when he’s wrong and stays true to hims...

introducing TANITIM

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English Studing PAGES LİNKS

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 it's been more than a month our relationship with you. Interlace your spirit with the whispers of my heart, as I hold your being in the depths of my soul. Let's travel to the stars for light-years while you imprison my labia with stardust.  Atomic dew drops explode deep inside me making many wet clit-quakes measured by kilotons of waterfalls. I try to salvage her but you ... Onu kurtarmaya çalışıyorum ama sen have a wicked nights. https://www.webby.co/daughter-part-1/  seninle olan ilişkimiz bir aydan fazla oldu. Varlığınızı ruhumun derinliklerinde tuttuğum gibi, ruhunuzu kalbimin fısıltılarıyla birleştirin. Sen benim labiamı yıldız tozuyla hapsederken, ışık yılı boyunca yıldızlara seyahat edelim.  Atomik çiy damlaları içimin derinliklerinde patlar ve kilotonluk şelalelerle ölçülen birçok ıslak klitoris depremi yapar. kötü geceler dilerim.

Practice sentences

  I wished one wish and I hope it comes true peace on earth for me and you. A person who have a mission can moves different. Are you such a innocent a person ? Would you like to express how you feel ? Why you making me lose my minds ? I am afraid to ask, but ... yes or no?  let’s see how you’ll seduce me after that! Every woman hides her precious wine drops under the curves of her elegant dress. If you really want to be happy, you can't let him make matters worse. Bazen mutlu bir yanılsama, acımasız bir gerçeklikten daha iyidir. I respect the your lifestyle and I'll try doing best so that to make you happy. Yaşam tarzınıza saygı duyuyorum ve sizi mutlu etmek için elimden gelenin en iyisini yapmaya çalışacağım. I want to get on culmination of desires with you. Seninle arzuların doruk noktasına ulaşmak istiyorum. Love comes to me easily and effortlessly. Aşk bana kolay ve zahmetsizce gelir. I'm a love magnet. Ben bir aşk mıknatısıyım. Love comes to me easily and effortle...


  I have a heart filled with the sweetest phrases the world has ever known, and my only desire is to share them with you,   Are you out there, alone and unloved. Come my darling and sit beside me and I shall serenade you with words of such love and adoration. We can share sweet nothings, until you yearn for greater heights, and then share the fiery passions our romance ignites.  Together we will find a crazy pleasure that no one else will find.  I’m yours for the taking my love, you need only take but a single step. I’m waiting for you, and I’ll be here until you find me. I'd love to meet and get know about you, what about you ?

Kendini Anlat

  I respect the successful, kind, confident and strong. I'm not shy about my feelings. I am open and do not hide my emotions. The main thing is that I laugh when I feel good.I am inspired by romantic books and kind people. Most of all, I want to find my faithful person and give him everything I have inside. The great feeling and the way of expressing it defines a person more than what a physical person can really be on the outside, it ends with time but the feeling that comes from the bottom of the heart, honesty, respect, loyalty, They make you a unique person in life, don't you think? A nice feeling in life to know someone completely, both their emotions and their goals in life, their true intentions and the way they carry out each day. I consider myself a responsible, honest woman who wants to live new experiences and is looking for a travel companion who is capable of falling in love with the world! And of each magical place we visit. I hope we can have a chance to talk. La...